Own Dogs


Riihikimaraspitz Auni, Neela

Born 30.8.2021, Finland


  • HD: C/C
  • ED: 0/0
  • Knees: med1/med1
  • Back: LTV0/VA0
  • Heart: Healthy
  • Eyes: Healthy

Dog Shows: 4x Very Good

Neela is a typical mittelspitz. Easygoing and uncomplicated in everyday life, she's also quite calm. Neela is the type that's okay with everything. Neela tells assertively when visitors are behind the door, but she becomes quickly a good friends with all visitors.

Neela stays close to owner in the backyard and during forest walks. The dog is retains an interest towards rodents. In my opinion, this is a good thing. Neela is very easy to train. Neelas hobbies are nosework and rally-toko.

Neela is a healthy female. There are no food sensitivities. Her coat is slightly soft and quite moderate in terms of the breed's scale. Consequently, maintenance is easy. Undercoat doesn't shed all over the floors; it comes off with brushing. Neelas picture: Juha Jokitulppo


Twi'leg Diamond's Aurora, Dora

Born 24.1.2024

Breeding co-ownership dog. 


Dog Shows: 

Picture: Markku Pitkälä

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